The Cairngorm weekend domestic ski race training programme again will run for 16 weekends over the winter period from the beginning of January (6th-7th) to the middle of April (14th-15th). We are also running two ‘training camps’ (consecutive mid-week training days): 3 days at February half-term from 12th-14th February and at Easter from 9th-13th April.
Each day we meet at the car park ready to ski for 8:45am (the first lifts/train is usually at 9am). We split up into groups and head out for the morning, re-grouping at the SSC hut (at the bottom of the White Lady) for lunch at around midday or just after. We open up the hut for all members with a roaring log fire and usually have soup and rolls available for a small donation, but please bring a packed lunch anyway. We then ski again in groups in the afternoon, finishing around 3:30 depending on the conditions and energy levels of the groups. We always communicate and confirm meeting times in the WhatsApp group for parents – get in touch to be added if you’re not already in it!
Included in the programme is coach support for races at Cairngorm as well as The Lecht, Glenshee, and Glencoe in the hope that these run as scheduled. Training is based on 10- or 20-day blocks. Training days can be taken on one or both days per weekend. Training will occur whatever the weather – wherever possible on snow at Cairngorm or elsewhere (e.g., The Lecht), but on dryland (fitness training, etc.) if all the ski areas are stormbound or where conditions will severely limit the quality of on-snow training.
The SSC Racing team are delighted to be able to continue our sponsorship with Blues/Tiso which will offer a 20% discount on all ski racing equipment at Blues stores with a discount card issued to all trainees who register for the 10- and 20-day packages. This includes ski servicing at the Tiso store in Aviemore. The partnership also provides funds to help underwrite our domestic programme which allows us to keep training costs at very competitive rates.
Training is available from U10 to U16 (year of birth 2015-2008). U8 (year of birth 2017-2016) will again be by invitation only this year. U8 trials can be organised throughout the season by prior arrangement with The mountain environment at Cairngorm can be extremely harsh at times and all trainees need a certain level of independence to work in a group setting, so we would ask that they are accompanied by a parent skiing with the group on the mountain for their first session.
Please email any enquiries to
For the fourth year in a row now, the race training program will be the same price, which represents exceptional value. Use the instructions below to register and pay for race training for the 2023/24 season. Club membership is of course required to get registered on the programme.
We look forward to seeing you on the hill!
The SSC Racing Team
SSC Race Training Booking System » (coming soon!)
Follow the link above to our new race training system where you can book & pay for training all in one place!
An up-front payment is required to secure your place. Club membership is required to get access to the programme. The packages below can be bought via the link above. There are 3 packages available:
20 day package: £600 (plus £30 per day for additional days).
10 day package: £350 (plus £35 per day for additional days).
Single day: £40.
You can pick any 10 or 20 days that you want of the 30 available over the winter – single or both days over a weekend.
Additional days over and above the minimum 10 or 20 day commitment can be booked (costs above) on the system (see below). These can be paid for at the top-up rate in advance of booking them.
Race support is offered on race days at Cairngorm as well as at The Lecht, Glenshee, and Glencoe.
Coming soon!
Final coaching allocations & adjustments are made after bookings close. The Head Coach will monitor the forecasted snow and weather conditions throughout the week. In case training at Cairngorm is unfavourable due to a lack of snow then a plan to train elsewhere will be made and communicated no later than the Thursday before the coming weekend. Changes to the training venue to this beyond this time will only happen if, for example, Cairngorm is closed due to wind, but the Lecht is still open.
Fitness & Development Weekends
If there is no snow for the upcoming training weekend, the weekend will become a Fitness & Development Weekend, including the following activities (weather/space dependent) and more:
It may be in the interest of saving costs on accommodation and travel (i.e., the majority of parties would be better off) to hold a Fitness & Testing Weekend more centrally e.g., near Perth.
No Saturday Snow Training
If Saturday snow training cannot happen due to conditions apparent on that morning (e.g., hill closed due to wind), then an alternative dryland-based training program will be arranged with similar activities to a Fitness & Development Weekend.
No Sunday Snow Training
Refunds during the season will take the form of a credit back into the parent/guardian’s online account.
At the end of the season, any unused amount of the original 10/20-day block purchased will not be refunded unless there have been fewer training days go ahead throughout the season than were originally purchased. In this case, the club will issue a refund based on the original price paid.