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The Scottish Ski Club Bursary


Throughout our history, the support of young racers has been an integral part of the club’s activities and many of our members have achieved great success with the benefit of that support. It is not a coincidence that a significant proportion of the British national and Olympic ski teams over the last 50 years have been SSC members.

Due to the changing conditions and the expense of training, it is becoming increasingly difficult for our talented young skiers to finance their time on snow and, if this trend continues, it will inevitably lead to less racing activity and less success.

To help alleviate this, The Scottish Ski Club manages bursary fund in partnership with the Scottish Ski Training Trust (SSTT). After a hugely successful three years in partnership with Alpine Training Centre SCIO, the Club is now fundraising for further years of offering bursary-subsidised places on its own Alpine camps.


The objective is to enable young, deserving club members to improve their racing skills through attending Race Training Camps in Europe.


We can always accept donations of any size. Additionally, in November 2024, we are organising another fantastic Club ball, this year in aid of the Bursary. Find out more here.

How to Donate

Donations can be made through JustGiving (link TBC). Alternatively, they can be arranged through Mark Blyth, Club President at


The SSC Bursary has supported a number of athletes over the years. In the past three years, the Bursary has supported the following Scottish athletes aged U16 and younger:

2021 Selected Recipients

  • Heather Ballantyne
  • Iona Ballantyne
  • Max Blyth
  • Archie Laing

2022 Selected Recipients

  • Heather Ballantyne
  • Archie Laing
  • Viviene Goodman 
  • Charlote-Rose Burton 
  • Innes McFarlane 
  • William Knight  

2023 Funding Recipients

  • Christina Dagne
  • Cicely Kostulin
  • Connor Grant
  • Calum Walker
  • Lucy Gallacher
  • Tommy Bateman
  • Toby Burton
  • Aaron Chan
  • James Matheson
  • Kieran Burns
  • Fraser Blake
  • Tristan Tiley