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SSC Snow Ball

The SSC Winter Snow Ball is at Dunblane Hydro on Saturday 23rd November and tickets are now on sale! It will be a great night with a drinks reception, three course meal with some wine on the table, raffle prizes and a ceilidh/disco. Tickets cost £85 each. The Ball will raise money for SSC Bursaries for young racers and also gives us an opportunity to celebrate Scottish Skiing and Racing with friends old and new.

When the Scottish Ski Club (SSC) was founded, in 1907, the wooden skis of its members would have been more than seven feet long. Just 50 people in Scotland were known to own a pair and all were invited to join the new club. Fourteen men attended the inaugural meeting, including Dr Bruce, a scientist who lived in the observatory on Ben Nevis and used his skis to go up and down to Fort William. This intrepid academic became the SSC’s first chair and the membership fee was set at five shillings.

While the sport of skiing has evolved enormously over the past 100+ years, the goals of today’s SSC remain very much in line with the aims established that November evening in 1907. The promotion of all types of skiing has always been key, along with sharing information on technique and local weather conditions. ( Read More )