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SSC Racing Cairngorm Program

Practical Information

Each day we meet at the top of the car park at the picnic benches outside the Daylodge building, ready to ski ahead of the first lift/train at 9am. We then split up into groups and head out for the morning. Some parents/guardians may ski nearby to the group and watch their trainees – this is fine, though unless you have very young children in the group we do ask you to keep your distance and not interfere with the coaches of course.

The SSC hut (at the bottom of the White Lady – see picture for map) is our base for lunchtimes. We open up the hut for all SSC members, with a roaring log fire, and we usually have soup and rolls available for a small donation. We also have big screen TVs which we use for video analysis and to livestream World Cup races if they are on. It is often accessible by foot – around a 20 minute walk uphill from the Daylodge – up the vehicle track known as the “home road”, although in good snow conditions this can be a pisted ski run. Trainees are still expected to bring a packed lunch as the hut facilities require volunteers to run and should be considered a bonus – if you are a parent/guardian and want to volunteer, let us know!

Car park (meeting point)

We then ski again in groups in the afternoon, finishing around 3:30 depending on the conditions and energy levels of the groups. On very cold or wet days we may take extra breaks depending on how the groups are doing – younger groups are more likely to stop! Sometimes we may use the restaurant at the Ptarmigan for a warm-up mid-morning, so it’s often good if trainees have some pocket money for a hot chocolate.

We always communicate and confirm the plan, meeting times and any extra requirements in the WhatsApp group for race training parents/guardians – get in touch to be added if you’re not already in it!

A typical training day at Cairngorm looks like:

08:45: meet at the car park / Daylodge, booted up & ready to ski with lift pass
09:00: split into groups and head off
12:00: lunch at the SSC hut
12:45: afternoon training
15:30: end of training – meeting back at the car park / Daylodge

To join us, you can purchase training ‘credits’ in 10- or 20-day blocks, or on a more expensive ad-hoc basis. After purchasing credits, you must select which weekends you wish to train – see How to Sign Up for details. Training will occur whatever the weather – wherever possible on snow at Cairngorm or elsewhere (e.g., The Lecht). If Cairngorm and other nearby ski areas are stormbound, or where conditions will severely limit the quality of on-snow training, we will organise appropriate training off-skis. See Cancellation Policy for details.